Ieeja baltajā telpā / ENTRANCE IN THE WHITE SPACE

Instalācijas un performances istaba "Ieeja baltajā telpā" tika veidota Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas 82. karnevāla "Utopija. Distopija" kontekstā. Tā tika izmantota arī kā "džeza telpa".
Tikai pēc karnevāla instalācija bija pabeigta kopā ar nakts atstātajām zīmēm un pazaudētajiem objektiem.
Installation and performance room "ENTRANCE IN THE WHITE SPACE" was created in context of the 82. carnival of Art Academy of Latvia "Utopia. Dystopia" 2020. The room was also explored as a "jazz room". 
Only after the carnival night the installation was complete together with all the left marks, leftovers and lost and forgoten items.

Ilze Aulmane _ perform dance _ Entrance in the white space

Ilze Aulmane _ Waterfall _ Entrance in the white space
Fashion items hat and shoes by Samta