Instalācija "Nebeidzamais rotaļu laukums", Liepājas Muzejs, Latvija
Mājas tekstils, plastmasa, porolons, akrils, spīdumi, saites_2019
Spēle, rotaļa ir nozīmīga cilvēku eksistencē. Mūsu eksistence ir kā dažādi dārzi - trausli, dzīvi organismi, spēkpilni un avotu pilni. Pārsvarā šīs lietas iepazīstam jau bērnībā, kad lietas mums pietuvojas izziņas procesā. Tavi personīgie šorti un nobrāzumi. Palagu tuvums un neredzamie miesas atstātie pieskārieni uz tiem. Miesa un dvēsele sasietas kopā uz pāris gadu desmitiem.
Installation NEVERENDING PLAYGROUND, Liepaja Museum, Latvia
Home textile, plastics, foam rubber, acrylic, glitter, straps_may - june 2019
Play is essentially valuable to human existence. Our existence is like different gardens - fragile, living beings, forceful and sourceful. Most of these things we get to know in childhood, when closeness of everything is experienced. Your own shorts and bruises. Closeness of sheets, invisible body prints left. Flesh and soul bound together for couple of decades.
Home textile, plastics, foam rubber, acrylic, glitter, straps_may - june 2019
Play is essentially valuable to human existence. Our existence is like different gardens - fragile, living beings, forceful and sourceful. Most of these things we get to know in childhood, when closeness of everything is experienced. Your own shorts and bruises. Closeness of sheets, invisible body prints left. Flesh and soul bound together for couple of decades.