Darbs ir par atbildību, rīcību un laiku. Galvenās daļas veido YouTube video, fotoatēli un Instalācija.
Tika pētītas dažādas iespējamo soļu iespējas, vēsture, vide, cilvēki, dokumentētas liecības un šis process tika ievietots eksistenciālas tematikas kontekstā – kā entropija, apokalipse. Plāna ietinamā papīra formas ieguva vienu no 5 krāsām un intuitīvi iegūla performancēs vai instalācijās.
Šis darbu kopums kalpoja arī kā maģistra darbs Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijā 2020.gadā.
Work is about responsibility, action and time. Main parts are YouTube videos, photos and Installation. Various possible steps, history, environment, people, documented testimonies were studied and this process was placed in the context of existential themes - such as entropy, apocolipse. The thin wrapping paper shapes got one of 5 colors and intuitively blended in to performance or installations.
The set of works served also for gaining my masters degree at the Art Academy of Latvia, 2020.
Responsibility for the resources entrusted to me. To be a resident; the skins we put on and take off, prostheses and extensions, entropy, mobile phone, cyborgs, mission, my profile, important paper, home issue, apocalypse. I can research the past in YouTube video documentations.
The format of the work corresponds to the content, the virtual way of presenting the MA work this year in the time of pandemic.
I consider also to be an organically valid member of the work the trip to the Royal Academy Schools in London, where I will continue my studies after the Art Academy of Latvia.
The work is divided into 2 stages:
Phase 1 works travelled with me to the interview in London;
Phase 2 works were made after the declaration of the emergency.
"Maybe 35 Summers Left" is a tribute to all the unseen colours that are testified about in the depths of YouTube.
Phase 1 works just after my interview in London.